Incoming Price hike for Laptops? ASUS and ACER

Many Demand, Short Supplies, Price hike?

Is it not the best time as price hike will be rising pretty much soon due to silicon shortage and high demand?

as the global semiconductor shortage also has a massive effect on the amount of laptops that these companies can produce.

As 2020 Laptop sales went high during the Pandemic, where technology, electronic industry, which extends from components to end systems and products is one source of an average consumer needs

As COVID-19 Led to a new normal way of working from home and online classes, as Laptops are one of the main assets to the Average consumer that lead the manufacturers to catching up. Furthermore, components suppliers are already facing increasing pressure leading them to raise the prices of these part.

As ASUS and Acer Have seen the Growth on the Laptop market going a really positive approach, from 2020, that works are from home, schools online, and lockdowns are the trend thanks to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

in 2021 we will expect laptop manufacturers to having hard times in supplies and the demands that are high,  both Acer and Asus are expected to raise the prices of notebooks in the second quarter of this year.

and due to semiconductor global shortages, this means a 5-10% possible increase of the laptops that will be available in the second half of 2021, while the supply is still catching up. Furthermore, components suppliers are already facing increasing pressure, leading them to raise the prices.

Is it the right time to buy a laptop?

Well. if you have an existing laptop that is still usable, or get on a second hand laptop that still fit by modern standard, is a second option, but waiting for the supplies to revert back to the original price might be a great solution


Published by normspotatotek

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